Get Involved with the CRC


  • CLICK HERE to receive e-mail updates on the CRC’s development, newsletters with scholarly information on restoration, quarterly webinar announcements, and information on how to join Working Groups.
  • Watch restoration webinars.
  • Watch the ground-breaking film Chasing Coral streaming on Netflix.
  • Check out the CRC website and CRC Facebook page to stay up to date on Restoration Efforts. 


 Join the CRC Working Groups:

 Scaling up Land-based Propagation Working Group Goals:

  • Develop recommendations for optimizing conditions in land-based nurseries.  
  • Integration with sexual reproduction and larval propagation work to supply brood stock and genotypes.  

Scaling up Larval Propagation Working Group Goals: 

  • Improve post-settlement survival of outplanted sexual recruits.
  • Develop a coordinated breeding program including best management practices and guidelines for using sexual recruits for restoration.

Scaling up Field-based Propagation Working Group Goals: 

  • Develop coral propagation methodologies to increase our efficiency and the number of nursery-raised corals that can be successfully outplanted.
  • Develop outplanting methods to help cultivate and move nursery-reared corals into the wild more efficiently. 
  • Ongoing research seeks to better understand why some sites exhibit a higher survival rate for outplanted corals than others. Identifying increasingly suitable restoration sites is a research priority.

Restoration Monitoring Working Group Goals: 

  • Adopt tiered monitoring protocols that describe best practices for monitoring coral restorations and scale up from the colony level to landscape/reef/ecosystem levels.
  • Apply/adopt remote monitoring techniques for restoration.
  • Determine geographic locations of where restoration efforts are occurring and relate to geographic locations of ecosystem monitoring efforts [spatial database].
  • Monitor efficacy of restoration programs.

 Coral Restoration Genetics Working Group Goals: 

  • Create a best management practices for restoration genetics methods manual.
  • Catalyze new approaches that increase “success” in using genetics to inform management and restoration.
  • Create and coordinate a database to streamline data collection and storage for all coral restoration genetics efforts.

 Demonstration Projects Working Group Goals: 

  • Develop guidelines for what an ecological restoration demonstration project looks like.
  • Develop guidelines for what a shoreline protection demonstration project looks like.
  • Find sites across the Caribbean that we can focus on to conduct these projects.



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