Weekend Before the Event Email

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Greetings Reef Futures Attendees-


We pinky-swear that this is the last email! Monday’s email focused on getting to the conference, details about tickets and the Dryfta App, and the very exciting, nearly sold-out, closing reception! The email from November had great suggestions for attire, things to do in Key Largo, and a fabulous joke about marine life. We’ll see if I can sneak in another G-rated gem into this email without the conference administrators catching it before hitting send.


Speakers and Presenters: As we mentioned on Monday, there have been changes to times and locations, so be sure to visit the Dryfta app to confirm where you need to be and when! Warning: If you haven’t uploaded your presentation materials (again, in Monday’s email), you’ll be given some not-so-special attention at the conference registration desk.


Speakers in Concurrent Sessions (Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning when multiple sessions are taking place at the same time) should embed videos and links in their presentations, but should also have a separate file(s) in case the embedded content does not work with our system. Plenary speakers should look for special instructions from Kelli O’Donnell (kelli.odonnell@noaa.gov) as to how their presentation video files and links will be dealt with.


Plenary presentations will be live-streamed on the Coral Restoration Consortium’s Facebook Page beginning Tuesday, December 11 at 8:30am. Tell your friends and pass along the link! Please don’t hesitate to tag us on social media #ReefFutures2018.


We can tell by the purchase of airport shuttle tickets that many attendees will be commuting into the Ocean Reef Club each day. Please arrive by 7:30am if possible (you’ll want to enjoy the amazing breakfast included Tuesday through Thursday anyway), as the front gate can get backed up quickly, especially if guests in all the vehicles are not on the guest list (as indicated in an earlier email – are you seeing a theme? Please reach out to the hotel if you are traveling with family or friends and ensure they are listed on your hotel room). All individuals must show a valid ID each day as well, so don’t forget it!


Pack accordingly, as the ten-day weather forecast predicts cool temperatures. Well, cool by Florida “winter” standards (Tuesday will be in the 60’s).  Speaking of cool... Did you hear why the hipster burned their tongue? They drank their tea…before it was cool.


*APPLY FOR CORAL RESTORATION EXCHANGE AWARDS* Are you a coral restoration scientist or practitioner? Check out this opportunity to receive up to $2500! APPLY HERE by this Wednesday, December 12 at 5pm.


We know many of you are participating in workshops on Monday and field trips on Friday. We’ve arranged to have “Grab & Go” food available (since breakfast will not be provided these two days) at the Ocean Room/Reef Lounge near the hotel lobby from 7-10am. Check out the Ocean Reef Club venue map to get an idea of where we will be for the week.


We are striving to make Reef Futures 2018 an event that creates no single use plastics or unnecessary waste. In order to be successful we need you to do your part. We will be providing a 10oz metal tumbler and stainless steel straw that can be used for all of your drinks, including the onsite bars.  It's your responsibility to have it with you at all times! Don't be the one person walking around with a plastic cup at happy hour. :o)


Finally, while on the property the Bell Stand can be reached at extension x2290 from any Ocean Reef Club room or condo. If you are staying in a condo that is more than a few minutes walk from the meeting rooms, need to sneak out for a sandwich, or just want to joy ride in a golf cart, they will take you anywhere on Ocean Reef Club property day or night 24/7.


Happy traveling! If you’re stuck in terrible predicament, call/text our on-site logistics coordinator and trouble shooter extraordinaire, Mark Ferne at 801.455.8608. He’ll do his best to help, or at least tell you another terrible joke.


See you soon!


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