Scholarship Information

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The Planning Committee feels it is important to increase the overall attendance and diversity represented at the first-ever global restoration symposium. Thanks to our generous sponsors, scholarships are being offered to esure that a diverse representation of practitioners and researchers, particularly those from developing nations, can attend. If you have extenuating financial circumstances, please apply for a scholarship and/or contact us directly. We want you to come!


Scholarship Details:

  • Eligible attendees include those from developing nations, as well as students from developed nations if funds allow. 
  • Participants with means to cover their own costs or with access to travel funding are discouraged from appying. 
  • Applicants must submit an abstract and be prepared to present at the Symposium. 

Registration fee includes:

  • Access to plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, and workshops. 
  • Scholarship package includes registration fee and hotel accommodations (double occupancy). 
  • Breakfast, lunch, and coffee/tea on primary meeting days: Tuesday (12/11), Wednesday (12/12), and Thursday (12/13). 
  • Receptions, site visits, and special events will be contingent on sponsorship.
  • Light hors d'oeuvres likely to be served after daily meetings conclude at least two of the three primary meeting days. 
  • A $15 charge to offset your carbon footprint at this event! Proceeds will be awarded to a local organization participating in the Symposium whose work is demonstrably contributing to carbon sequestration and offset through habitat restoration.


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