Frequently Asked Questions

Divers at work in the CRF Coral Tree Nursery smaller file copy


For general questions, please contact  

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  • Full agenda coming soon! Please check back to add sessions to your calendar. Add to my Schedule

Registration fee includes:

  • Access to plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, and workshops. 
  • Breakfast, lunch, and coffee/tea on primary meeting days: Tuesday (12/11), Wednesday (12/12), and Thursday (12/13). 
  • Receptions, site visits, and special events will be contingent on sponsorship.
  • Light hors d'oeuvres likely to be served after daily meetings conclude at least two of the three primary meeting days. 
  • A $15 charge to offset your carbon footprint at this event! Proceeds will be awarded to an organization participating in the Symposium whose work is demonstrably contributing to carbon sequestration and offset through habitat restoration.

Scholarship Details:

  • Scholarship package includes registration fee and hotel accommodations (double occupancy). 
  • Eligible attendees include students and participants from non-profit and academia organizations from developing nations. 
  • Preference will be given to developing nations and hardship cases. 
  • Scholarships will be given based on need and participant role at the Symposium.
  • Participants with means to cover their own cost or have other sources of funding are encouraged to do so as every effort is being made to develop a robust list of attendees. 
  • Applicants must submit an abstract and be prepared to present at the Symposium. 

 Venue Considerations:

  • Identification required at venue entry gate. Please bring a valid ID. 
  • Registration fee includes most meals Tuesday-Thursday.
  • Site visits, receptions, and special events will be dependent upon sponsorship. 
  • With few exceptions, the venue and surrounding property are cashless. Additional fees incurred will be put on your hotel room key (if you are a hotel guest) or day pass card (if you are staying offsite). 
  • The meeting venue is air conditioned! Don't forget to bring a sweater. 
  • Every effort will be made to use non-disposable items  during this event. We will be providing stainless steel tumblers and straws- please remember to use these!
  • Alternative accommodations can be found 30+ minutes from the venue. Daily transportation will be provided to and from the meeting venue to approved offsite lodging.  

 Timeline for Event Registration & Abstract Submission:

  • June 18: Call for abstracts
  • June 18: Early bird registration open
  • July 31: Deadline for abstract submission and scholarship applications
  • September 1: Applicants notified about abstract submissions & scholarships
  • September 30: Last day to book hotel at Ocean Reef Club with guaranteed group discount rate 
  • October 1: General registration open 
  • November 1: Registration closed

Transportation TO Meeting Venue:

  • Organized shuttles will be available from Miami International Airport on Sunday, December 9, and Monday, December 10, at a competitive rate to bring attendees to the Ocean Reef Club Hotel venue. Those flying into Fort Lauderdale International Airport are encouraged to get to Miami Airport to utilize these shuttles or consider alternative transportation.You can now BOOK YOUR TICKETS

Transportation FROM Meeting Venue:

  • Organized shuttles will be available from the Ocean Reef Club Hotel venue to to bring attendees to Miami nternational Airports on Friday, December 14, and Saturday, December 15 at a competitive rate. Those flying out of Fort Lauderdale International Airport are encouraged to get there from Miami Airport to utilize these shuttles or consider alternative transportation.You can now  BOOK YOUR TICKETS 

Airport Greeters will be stationed at the following locations at Miami Airport with a REEF FUTURES sign: 

  • American Airlines: D Terminal, Baggage Claim 25
  • United, Delta, Air Canada: J Terminal, Baggage Claim 4 


Carbon Offset Sponsorship Details: 

  • All Symposium registrations include a $15 contribution to a carbon offset project.
  • Proceeds will be awarded to a local organization at the Closing Ceremony whose work is demonstrably contributing to carbon sequestration and offset through habitat restoration.

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