About the Coral Restoration Consortium (CRC)

ABOUT THE CRC 22The Coral Restoration Consortium (CRC) is a community comprised of scientists, managers, coral restoration practitioners, and educators dedicated to enabling coral reef ecosystems to survive the 21st century and beyond. The CRC’s mission is to foster collaboration and technology transfer among participants, and to facilitate scientific and practical ingenuity to demonstrate that restoration can achieve meaningful results at scales relevant to reefs in their roles of protecting coastlines, supporting fisheries, and serving as economic engines for coastal communities.

The CRC’s mission and goals grew out of the November 2016 Workshop to Advance the Science and Practice of Caribbean Coral Restoration. At that workshop a strong sense of community was created, and the CRC has been built on and multiplied that momentum. The CRC Steering Committee has been guiding the mission, vision, and goals of the Consortium since its inception in 2017. The Working Groups are where the bulk of the action takes place. The Working Groups were developed to advance each of the CRC’s six priorities (below) that arose from the original November 2016 workshop. So far, the CRC has focused efforts on Caribbean coral restoration but is quickly expanding it’s scope.

CRC Priorities:

3 year old Palmata with Diadema. Photo © NOAA Restoration Center

3 year old Palmata with Diadema. Photo © NOAA Restoration Center

  • Scaling-up in-water, land-based, and larval propagation
  • Designing projects to demonstrate multi-species ecosystem functioning and coastal protection
  • Coordinating and fostering genetics science into adaptive restoration
  • Developing restoration monitoring guidelines and common-access data platforms

 To find out more, Get Involved with the CRC!

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